■【Venture Ecosystem Development is Community Development】-300x200.jpg)
ーInaugural meeting of the Osaka Startup Ecosystem Consortium (Summary of remarks at the meeting held at Osaka Prefectural Government, Oct. 31, 2019) ー
・Venture ecosystem development is community development. It is not just an individual support measure for small and medium-sized enterprises.
・In times of rapid changes, society and individuals will be able to adapt to changes by creating a cross-organizational network and getting people to participate in it. I would like to ask for that agreement at the fundamental level.
・It is essential to have a bird’s eye view of the entire city, and to have the ability to combine and rotate each resource on a foundation of trust that transcends the vertical organization. This is the hub function and the role of this consortium.
・The challenges of the venture ecosystem cannot be solved by one organization alone. It needs to be led from an all-Osaka perspective.
・I would like the consortium to be an organization that works closely with the governor and mayor. At the very least, I would like to see the consortium leave the position of the Commerce, Industry and Labor Department and the Economic Strategy Bureau and take up the banner of flexible cooperation with the Community Development, Civic Affairs, Tourism and Education Bureaus.
・Creating an innovation ecosystem is an all-out effort to connect people to people and organizations to organizations throughout the city. It is a measure to form a network and increase the speed of exchange of people, funds, and information. It is not a conventional economic policy to support individual companies. It is a policy to increase the size of the overall city pie. Therefore, it is only natural that local governments would also support large corporations.
・Please provide answers to the question, “Why should I start a business in Osaka?” from the perspective of city promotion.
・Let us return to the spirit of Yodoya Tsuneyasu and practice “giving before getting! The idea is that if you make the pie bigger for the whole city, you will also prosper as a result.This is an important idea in building an ecosystem. We need to leave our own position (OFF spirit) and aim for total optimization.
・I sincerely hope that this consortium will contribute to the creation of “Osaka, a city where information and people who anticipate the future gather globally,” just like the Dojima Rice Exchange in Osaka, which invented the world’s first futures exchange.
■”Innovation Streams Kansai” Symposium:
“From Umekita Phase 2 to the World: Osaka and Kansai as One” and “Symposium ③”
The “Umekita Phase 2” refers to the development plan for the vacant land (17ha) adjacent to Grand Front. This year, in August, the developer was also decided. The event is sponsored by the Promotion Council. The event has been held since last year with the aim of making the area a catalyst for the development of Kansai. In this symposium ③, we will globally consider the functions and roles that the district aims to play, projects in “Kansai, a treasure house of deep technology,” perspectives on promoting innovation with citizen participation, and ways to disseminate information to the world.
◆Reference Information:
What is the Umekita Phase 2?:http://umekita2nd.jp/umekita2.html
promotion committee:http://umekita2nd.jp/conference.html
■「ISPIM Fukuoka 2018」Participated as a panelist
ISPIM (the International Society for Professional Innovation Management )I was given the opportunity to speak as a panelist at the Fukuoka event (Dec. 2-5).He will talk about the “HackOsaka Movement (Co-Creation City Osaka)”.I would like to thank Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate Co., Ltd. for brokering this opportunity for us.With “Umekita Phase 2” (developer: Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate Co., Ltd. and others) in mind, I would like to help build a global network in the field of innovation in Kansai.
ISPIM consists of members from research, industry, consulting, and local government, and is a meeting to share information on innovation management.First held in Norway in 1983, it now has members from 70 countries around the world. It is the largest, oldest, and most active innovation network in Europe. Currently expanding its activities to the Americas and Asia Pacific regions.
■KANSAI KEIZAI DOYUKAI:”Declaration of “Kansai Venture Friendly Company
KANSAI Association of Corporate Executives (Chairman: Mr. Kuroda, Chairman of Kokuyo and Mr. Ikeda, Vice Chairman of Resona Bank) announced the “Kansai Venture Company Friendly” declaration on August 6, 2018, promising to promote open innovation with venture companies. This started from the “Kansai Bridge Forum” (Osaka Innovation Hub) in 2017 organized by the former Chairman Kageyama (then Vice Chairman of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) and former Chairman Suzuki (Chairman of Maruichi Steel Tube Co., Ltd.), which was followed by the Kansai Association of Corporate Executives in April 2018 Kansai Venture Ecosystem Committee (chaired by Hiroyuki Fukano, executive director of ITOCHU Corporation). The commitments made by the organization will be a powerful driving force for the Kansai ecosystem. It is also a big step forward for “intergenerational cooperation,” which is one of the missions of HHJ.
Declaration: “We aim to make Kansai a leading center of innovation that is creative and open to the world. To this end, now that the venture ecosystem is emerging in the Kansai region, we are striving to pass on the unique ideas and dynamic business culture represented by the “try and see” culture that we have cultivated since old times and will continue to support the next generation of managers who are striving to launch new businesses. We hereby declare that we are a venture-friendly company that supports the next generation of managers who are struggling to launch new businesses. We hereby declare that we are venture-friendly companies. (HP: KANSAI Association of Corporate Executives)
【Supporting Companies】
ART CORPORATION(アートコーポレーション株式会社)、ASAHI BROADCASTING GROUP HOLDINGS CORPORATION(朝日放送グループホールディングス株式会社)、DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD.(ダイキン工業株式会社)、DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO., LTD.(大和ハウス工業株式会社)、Fukunishi Dental Clinic Implant Center(福西歯科口腔外科 歯科インプラントセンター) 、Global Cyber Group Inc.(株式会社グローバルサイバーグループ)、Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc.(株式会社博報堂)、Hankyu Hanshin Properties Corp.(阪急阪神不動産株式会社)、Healthy City Design Institute(株式会社健康都市デザイン研究所)、HIRAKAWA SHOJI CO., LTD.(平川商事株式会社)、ITOCHU Corporation.(伊藤忠商事株式会社)、ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation(伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社)、JR WEST INNOVATIONS CO.,LTD.(株式会社JR西日本イノベーションズ)、Kawamura & Fujioka Law Office(川村・藤岡綜合法律事務所)、Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.(川崎重工業株式会社)、Kintetsu Group Holdings Co.,Ltd.(近鉄グループホールディングス株式会社)、KOKUYO Co.,Ltd.(コクヨ株式会社)、MARUICHI STEEL TUBE LTD.(丸一鋼管株式会社)、Mizuho Bank, Ltd.(株式会社みずほ銀行)、NAKANISHI Metal Works CO., LTD.(中西金属工業株式会社)、Nankai Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.(南海電気鉄道株式会社)、THE NANTO BANK,LTD.(株式会社南都銀行)、NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WEST CORPORATION(西日本電信電話株式会社)、NTT DATA KANSAI Corporation(株式会社NTTデータ関西)、OSAKA GAS CO., LTD(大阪ガス株式会社)、Peach corporation Inc.(ピーチコーポレーション株式会社)、Resona Bank, Limited.(株式会社りそな銀行)、SOPPRA Corporation.(ソプラ株式会社)、SUMITOMO CORPORATION(住友商事株式会社)、Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation(株式会社三井住友銀行)、The Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc.(関西電力株式会社)、The Senshu Ikeda Bank, Ltd.(株式会社池田泉州銀行)、TIS Inc.(TIS株式会社)
■Presentatiom at a seminar hosted by Osaka City University
(”Innovation City: Osaka’s New Challenges” – New Innovation Centers Emerge One after Another and Their Future Prospects – )
◆Date and time:July 12, 2018.
◆Presentation Contents:“Osaka’s New Challenge” Available on SlideShare
◆ Key point: The last page (page 74). Conventional economic policies are measures (subsidies, etc.) to increase the added value of individual companies, but what we did at the Osaka Innovation Hub was to provide “bonding” services to stakeholders throughout the city. This service has the effect of utilizing the city’s dormant assets. This is nothing more than a measure to increase what companies call “total asset turnover”. This is very unique for a local government that is only interested in supporting small and medium-sized businesses.(=This was also a measure that gave the organization a sense of discomfort.)